Welcome to Our Wedding Blog!

Throughout our engagement, we will be posting several updates on this blog. With so many important people in our lives, this is the easiest and quickest way to distribute important news to everyone about our big day! Hopefully when that day comes, you will be able to celebrate the joy of starting our future together with us and throughtout our whole lives.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The New House and Jobs are Great!

We are finally moved in and almost all the way settled. We have got all of our appliances in and the dishwasher works great! I finally got an internet connection today and I promised I would get some pictures up. So here they are. The pictures on the left are the house before we moved in.

I will put more up at a later time. We have not done any landscaping yet becuase we have been really busy with work and Jeremy driving back and fourth to class every Teusday and Thursday night. Jaxon hasn't moved in with us yet, but we are hoping that he can come down toward the end of the summer when Jeremy is done with class and we can provide a little bit more of a stable home for him.

By the way...my new job at Edwardsville Pet Hospital is going really well. I have been there for a month and I have found out that I really love doing x-rays and I am upset when we do less than four in a day (yes, we do a LOT of x-rays). I found bladder stones on an x-ray I did on Friday. Also found a constipated dog and a puppy with a broken leg! Anyway...I am really loving where I am at and the people are really nice. My only complaint is that I almost never get off before 6:30 and a couple nights have stayed until 7:45 with emergencies or emergency surgeries. But it doesn't matter too much because we all have one thing in common: we will do whatever it takes to help an animal-all of us. And we have helped a lot of animals that I didn't think would pull through and they did. I almost can't wait to go back to work on Tuesday!

If I can get some pictures of the clinic I will try to get them up. We have been so busy lately but I will try. Next things to get accomplished is to get back to work on the wedding. I was thinking the other day and realized there is only six months and a few days left. Time is going by so fast!
So check back for more updates!