Welcome to Our Wedding Blog!

Throughout our engagement, we will be posting several updates on this blog. With so many important people in our lives, this is the easiest and quickest way to distribute important news to everyone about our big day! Hopefully when that day comes, you will be able to celebrate the joy of starting our future together with us and throughtout our whole lives.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Moving Along...

The wedding planning in moving along pretty well. By now I have purchased my dress and everything that goes along with it, like shoes, my viels, and my tiara all from David's Bridal. I have my dress fitting scheduled for February 28th. Everything fits great except for the length.
We have booked the reception hall and it will be at the Firefighter's/Postal Lake Club in Springfield. We have officailly set the date for Novemeber 22, 2008. We also booked our DJ, who happends to be named DJ, Jeremy's old partner from Springfield Area Ambulance.
We still have a lot to do, but the ideas are rolling. I have an idea about the caterer, the cake and we have also started on the guest list. There are so many people on it already!
I have my bridesmaids picked out whom will be named on the blog at a later time when Jeremy has his groomsmen chosen. This month has been slow posting, but as the wedding gets closer there will be much more to come!


Lessen Family said...

I was wondering when there was going to be an "update" :0) Can't wait for the big day!!! Love you both!

~ Aunt Kristi

Lessen Family said...

I've tagged you...check out my blog for instructions!

Anonymous said...

Thats funny Kristi, I was wondering that too! BTW are we on the list to be invited? Matt Wood